Current Projects
Military Care Packages
Let’s remember our Military. WHY? The job they do, They do for us! By helping to send a care package to our Military, YOU help supply the ONE thing that the Military can’t: A reminder that the people at HOME still care!
Our mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member’s face and express to our Military and their families the appreciation and support of the American people. Each package will contain donated products valued between $75-$100. To ship these packages it will cost approximately between $20 – $25. Deadline for contributions is November 30th!
Sponsor Thanksgiving
We are collecting food to make Thanksgiving baskets for 13 families who have graduated from the Avalon Shelter. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, etc. Deadline for contributions is November 20th!
Sponsor a child for Christmas by becoming a Secret Santa!
If you would like to sponsor a child for Christmas please contact us for a list of the child’s age, gender, and what they would like. Deadline for Secret Santa contributions is December 21st!
Let’s remember our Shut-Ins
We are collecting pens, pencils, stationary, stamps, sugar free candy, lotions, cough drops, games (crosswords, etc) for Senior Citizens that can’t make it out. Deadline for contributions is December 21st!
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